The City of Sequim is working on several planning projects, both to comply with new legal planning requirements and to address some important issues in our city. If you’re interested in Sequim’s future, this process will give you an opportunity to participate and shape what the coming years may bring.

  • A required new look at the community’s long-range plan and its policies for land use, transportation, housing, and more.

  • This process strives to make housing more attainable, studying its zoning and subdivision rules to increase housing supply. The goal is making living here more affordable for residents, workers, and families.

  • Climate resilience means ensuring City policy adequately anticipates and acknowledges the potential impacts of climate change. This may result in specific strategies to make Sequim more resilient as our environment changes around us.

  • The new UDC will consolidate the City’s subdivision, zoning, environmental, and administrative procedures into a single municipal code title, making it easier to understand which development regulations apply in any given situation. It will identify and reconcile any inconsistencies between various provisions and eliminate redundancy.